Orthodontist Services In ROUND ROCK & PFLUGERVILLE, TX

Smiles grow here. These are the services that make it happen.


Braces have come a long way since the 80s. Not only are they thinner and lighter, but they’re also more comfortable and smaller. 

Metal Braces

The benefit: This option is not only less expensive, but it’s also a tried and true solution when it comes to giving you incredible results. Not only that, most insurance companies cover traditional braces, making it an even more economical option.

Clear Braces

The benefit: This option is not only less expensive, but it’s also a tried and true solution when it comes to giving you incredible results. Not only that, most insurance companies cover traditional braces, making it an even more economical option.


The benefit: Invisalign is an amazing technology that’s been around since the early 2000s. Since then, it’s literally changed the way people think about their smiles. It’s even given those who would never in a million years fix their teeth take the leap and do it. This option is more expensive, but the freedom many patients feel when wearing Invisalign custom clear aligners is worth it. It’s easier to keep your teeth clean. You can eat and drink whatever you want. You get new aligners every 2 weeks (or as directed by Dr. Giasi). Not to mention, Dr. Giasi is a top 1% Invisalign & Invisalign Teen provider which means you’ll get a great smile in no time.

Invisalign® Teen

The benefits: A few years ago Invisalign wasn’t really recommended for teens. Now, things have changed. Invisalign has come out with an entire system of custom clear aligners that were made for teens. What’s great about this option is that it has little indicators on the aligners which tell the wearer if they’ve been wearing their aligner the right way and for the right amount of time. Plus, they even have cool indicator stickers teens can put on their aligners to make them even more unique and fun. And, as mentioned before, Dr. Giasi is a top 1% Invisalign Teen provider. So, you’re in good hands whatever option you choose.


The benefit: When you’re done perfecting your smile, the last step that really makes your new smile sparkle is to whiten your smile. We can help you get that bright, shiny, white smile you’ve always wanted. Hey, people even come to us to whiten their teeth who don’t need any orthodontic treatment at all.


Retainers are a smile’s best friend. Well, next to Dr. Giasi, that is. Seriously though, you need to wear your retainer if you want to keep your smile looking as good as the day you got your braces off. In addition to making retainers for patients that just had their braces removed, we also make retainers for those who have lost their retainers from years ago. Basically, if you need a new retainer, we can make one for you! Easy-peasy.